Friday, December 29, 2017

Back to work after Christmas.

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas! I'm taking a deep breath and trying to catch up on myself. The week before Christmas I had a bunch of tough hospital stuff to deal with so I took time out and rested over the whole of Christmas week. Need to get back to the desk though. 

Today is a writing day, and I'm working on the Coded For Love books. I also need to rework a menage novella that keeps waving its hand at me demanding more :) Being away from writing for a week or more always makes it much harder for me to get back in, but I'm hopeful. 

Meanwhile THE HARLOT reissue releases in two days, Yaaay! So pleased to see this one going out with this gorgeous new cover. Which also means last 48 hours to reserve a copy for #99c or equiv! This one is an erotic paranormal romance novel set in Scotland in the time of the witch trials.